Forest areas



Frequently asked questions

Which quality marks does Sicirec Foundation have?

Sicirec Foundation was founded 2007 opgericht as a Dutch Charitable Foundation (Nederlandse Goede Doelen Stichting). The tax authorities have granted us a non-profit status (ANBI).

Which criteria should a Sicirec Foundation project meet?

We only support and finance projects in developing countries which are developed from an integration of three aspects: nature protection, development cooperation and awareness. Projects which only meet one of these criteria do not qualify for support. This results from our conviction that these three components are ( or should be) indissolubly related.

Do the projects not result in a greater dependence on aid agencies?

Our projects provide the local population with an improved future in their natural environment, also financially. To avoid dependency on aid agencies, the local population is involved from the start in the protection project but also in a profitable project in the same region. We also pay attention to training and education. Furthermore stimulating awareness of the local population of the necessity and the personal advantages of nature preservation is an essential part of our projects.

Can I suggest a project for financial support?

If your project meets our criteria, we invite you to contact us through our email address:

How much money is used for overhead and expenses?

Our board members do not receive a compensation for their activities from Sicirec Foundation and Sicirec Group altruistically provides office space and services to Sicirec Foundation. Therefore, the net profit of donation always fully benefit our projects.

Does Sicirec Foundation supervise the expenditure of the project funds?

With all our projects, the board approved amounts are immediately inspected for correct expenditure. We possess the necessary experience, financial expertise and socio-cultural knowledge to guide and supervise a project in a developing country. Herein it is a great advantage that we always cooperate with local partners in developing countries. These partners supervise the progress of the project and the expenditure of funds on location.

Can the foreign partners in developing countries be trusted?

In our projects in developing countries we always cooperate with local partners. An advantage of this is that our projects are firmly rooted in the relevant country. Nomination of local partners takes place after a thorough selection and assessment of the proposed partners. Furthermore we keep in close contact with our local partners and have their accounts audited.

Is the development of the project not subject to political instability?

We involve the local government throughout our projects and ask for their support for the project. Our current projects also have government support. In case involved government prove to be instable and/or unreliable in future, we do not expect this to have an effect on our implemented projects. This is because the rights and relating to our projects are legally secured in contracts with the local government and local organisations.

Is the duration of the forestry projects not to long to realise fast results?

The effects of our projects are visible both in the short and long run. In the short run our projects realise better living conditions for the local population in the shape of employment, cleaner drinking water and no further damage to the natural environment.

In the long run we realise restoration of forests and nature with the original ecosystems. Herein continuity is an aspect we pay ample attention to in our plans, also the continuity of manpower, finances and guidance of the local population. Furthermore great attention is payed to the education of the local population who are therefore increasingly in command.

Which is better: planting new forests in Europe or in the tropics?

Our forestry projects are established in developing countries in the (sub) tropics. An advantage of this is a profit for the local population. The local population receives a compensation for cultivation and for the implementation of the annual maintenance of the trees. Moreover, the measure of damage to the environment is greater in the tropics and therefore offset is better made there.

What kind of trees are planted in the projects?

Our projects use primarily indigenous tree species. These are tree species which naturally occur in the project area. We strongly prefer cultivating indigenous trees due to the contribution to the restoration of the original ecosystems and a reduced risk of disease and under development of the trees.

Is it not better to protect existing forest instead?

In our vision, the cultivation of new forest is always accompanied by protection of remnants of primary forests and existing nature reserves in the vicinity of the projects. Our projects are characterised by an integration of reforestation, nature protection and the development of ecological corridors.